Curriculum & Instruction – Background Information / Documents
NWEA Maps and DIBELS Scores
District Curriculum:
Curriculum and Instruction supports student learning when it is intentionally planned and delivered to be important, focused, engaging, demanding, and scaffolded. This category seeks to ensure there is commitment to and practice of defining learning targets for students, then intentionally planning for and using a variety of instructional strategies so EVERY student is challenged. There are three elements in Curriculum and Instruction: Curriculum, Instructional Planning, and Instructional Practice (adapted from Carol Ann Tomlinson).
- 2023-2024 Hanover School District Course Opportunities
- 2023-2024 CDLS Offerings and Curriculum
- PSAT/SAT Score Comparison
- 2020 PHE ELG Grant
- Wonders 2020 – Elementary
- Read 180 – RtI – Middle School Learning Center
- Math 180 – RtI – Middle School Learning Center
- Career Clusters
Instructional Planning and Practice:
- Instructional programs/resources the district has adopted (content areas/grade levels)
Hanover School District RTI/MTSS Approach:
- The RTI/MTSS model is anchored on the 3 Tiered approach where 80% of all interventions occur with instructional best practices (Hattie, Marzano, McTighe). Hence, our focus on instructional best practices. Our Advisory period was put at the end of the day(35 minutes) so students could travel to teachers and our Learning Centers for academic support and on Tuesdays and Thursdays attend our after-school Learning Centers (staffed with content area faculty and paraeducators) for an additional 120 minutes of intervention time. All tolled; this could give students who take advantage of it, a total of 310 minutes of intentional intervention time/week.
- We also aligned our “extended classroom (i.e. activities and athletics)” practices with our coaches and sponsors where eligibility is concerned. If students are not eligible, they are required to spend time, not practice, in the Learning Centers until grades are brought to proficiency.
- Tier 1 is for every student
- Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
- Career PreparationI.C.A.P.
- Graduation Tracking
- Targeted Advisement
- Co-Taught Classes
- Supported Classes
- Tier 2 is for students needing a little more support
- Tutoring
- Skills Center
- Intervention Classes
- Credit Recovery
- 504 Plan504 Referral and/or Accommodations
- Individualized Education Plan
- Skills Building
- Tier 3 is for students who need specialized support
- Modified Classes
- Skills Center
- Individualized Instruction
- Credit Recovery
- Modifications
- Further Support
- Intensive Affect
Resources/Programs available to students before, during and after school for intervention and enrichment
Tutoring sessions are offered twice a week after school and everyday during advisory, but students are able to receive assistance more often as needed.
ICAP Approach:
All students make progress towards Grade Level 13 Readiness in areas listed as ICAP Quality Indicators (Personal Awareness, Career Awareness, Postsecondary Aspirations, Postsecondary Options, Environmental Expectations, Academic Planning, and Employability Skills) beginning in grades 6th grade. Students have a designated Advisory with support with academics, ICAP, SEL, and graduation requirements.
Graduations Requirements are approved by the Board of Education.
Career Start/Concurrent Enrollment
Data Management:
Hanover utilizes Alma as their Student Information System. Parents automatically receive an account to easily track their child’s grades, behavior, attendance, and more.
Behavioral Expectations:
At Hanover we follow the ten Core Belief’s District-wide:
We will …
- embrace a growth mindset to help create a successful learning environment.
- engage in positive behavior support to increase accountability.
- demonstrate respect and encourage acceptance of all to create a safe environment.
- value every child as they are worthy of a good education.
- provide greater athletic and creative opportunities that are conducive to higher academic achievement.
- continue to be flexible in order to provide opportunity for growth.
- optimize class sizes for social and academic success.
- create an approachable environment gained through casual, yet professional demeanor where strong relationships are built.
- provide high quality education utilizing a four day week.
- maintain a caring staff willing to help students succeed.
Elementary – Clear and consistent behavior expectations are established for all common areas in the building. (Lunchroom, Hallways, Restrooms, and Assembly).
Junior/Senior High – Expectations are outlined through PBIS and communicated through advisories.