Priority 2

Foster a Positive, Inclusive Environment

Hanover strives to create an environment that is welcoming and positive, empowering, inclusive and safe for students, staff and parents.  This environment will promote strong social/emotional development, responsibility, and opportunities for every student to grow and graduate with the knowledge, skills and character to find success in life.
Strategic Priority Two: Foster a Positive, Inclusive Environment
Why is this a priority? The Hanover School District feels the best way to graduate every student is to make sure every student feels like he or she belongs at school. This cannot be achieved without having a staff that also feels valued and appreciated as individuals and professionals.
Action steps related to the priorityAction Steps Related to Strategic Priority 2
Action 1: Students will be responsible and accountable for their own learning.
Action 2: Classroom educators will maintain a positive learning environment.
Evidence of ImplementationLink to Evidence of Implementation for District Priority 2
1. 6th Grade Transition
2. Character Strong
3. Elementary Student Council
4. Equal Representation of Elementary and Secondary Students in Website Posts
5. JR/SR High School Art Class Mural
6. Pep Rallies
7. SEL lessons
Evidence of ImpactLink to Evidence of Impact for District Priority 2
– The focus on communication results in parents, staff,  and students having positive perceptions and trust in the school.
– Learning Dispositions Measures