Priority 1

Establish and implement a curriculum that is aligned and optimized for instruction and student learning.

Hanover will continue to deliver a curriculum that is coherent, aligned and blends technology and collaboration, which will enable our students to fulfill their academic achievement and graduation requirements.

Strategic Priority One:Establish and implement a curriculum that is aligned and optimized for instruction and student learning.
Why is this a priority? The implementation of a curriculum that adheres to standards and has curriculum maps for every grade level and content area ensures that staff gain knowledge from a year-long plan of instruction based on standards. The curriculum aligns instruction vertically from Kindergarten to 12th grade. When staff turnover occurs, the maps help to create cohesion in instruction.
Action steps related to the priorityAction Steps Related to Strategic Priority 1
Action 1: Develop curriculum with no gaps to represent important and demanding understanding with processes that include reflection and effectiveness of instruction.
Action 2: Professional development to enhance delivery of curriculum.
Evidence of ImplementationLink to Evidence of Implementation for District Priority 1
1. Capstone Graduation Requirement
2. Advisory
3. Concurrent Enrollment Course Offerings
4. Content Meetings Between PHE and JSHS
5. Math and Reading Interventionist
6. Assessment Data Review
Evidence of ImpactLink to Evidence of Impact for District Priority 1
The STUDENT SUCCESS and SYSTEM SUPPORT tabs provide the current measures for monitoring impact. For Priority 1, impact to be monitored:
– Increased formal and informal test scores.
– Academic and Critical Thinking Measures
– Survey Results