Priority 3

Enhanced communication with all stakeholders

Through efficient and productive communication within our district, we will maintain a culture that promotes positive environments to support high levels of learning and motivation while actively pursuing open communication by listening to our community.

Strategic Priority Three: Enhanced communication with all stakeholders
Why is this a priority? Families and the community are key partners in promoting the success of students. Families are the first and most important factor in an individual’s development. The school providing general information and opportunities for connection as well as access to individual progress of students is key to ongoing success.

Survey, focus group, and reviewer data from the site review indicated the need to continue the work of increased communication, both internal and external.
Action steps related to the priorityAction Steps for Strategic Priority 3
Action 1: Strengthen communication and connections with families and the community
Action 2: Strengthen internal communications
Evidence of ImplementationLink to Evidence of Implementation for District Priority 3
1. District newsletters distributed monthly on school websites
2. Share video updates to the community distributed
3. Families receive information regularly about the individual progress of students K-5
4. 6-12 families have access to progress through Alma with grades updated weekly
Evidence of ImpactThe STUDENT SUCCESS and SYSTEM SUPPORT tabs provide the current measures for monitoring impact.
Link to Evidence of Impact for District Priority 3