PL – Background Information / Documents

Professional Learning – Background Information / Documents

Professional Learning are those continuous improvement practices that increase educator effectiveness and results for all students.  An effective teacher has been demonstrated to have the highest impact on student learning and so professional learning is an essential category of system support reviews.  The elements of professional learning are learning communities, leadership, resources, data, learning designs, implementation, and outcomes.  (Standards for Professional Learning from Learning Forward)

Professional Development Plan

  • Coordinated Professional Learning with other Rural Districts

Learning Communities:

Each school has a weekly meeting with their staff on Wednesdays.

The Superintendent and department heads meetings meet regularly as learning teams.

Each grade level has one planning period daily.

Professional Growth Plans:

  • District educator evaluation system

Resource Allocation:

Data Driven:

Professional Learning is primarily assessed through its impact on student academics and well being.


  • How professional learning is evaluated